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Mississippi Urban Research Center


The Research unit conducts research to improve the quality of life through basic and applied research.  Services include policy analysis, census data research and training, dissemination of research findings and program information via newsletters, an online peer-reviewed journal, research reports and presentations, focus group facilitation services, survey development, distribution, and analysis services, statistical analysis services, needs assessment services, instructional programs, forums, conferences workshops, and technical assistance, consultation, and general advisory services.

Finds from the research unit are disseminated to a wider audience of policymakers, urban planners, service providers, and academic and lay community members via newsletters, an online peer-reviewed journal, research reports and presentations.

Mississippi Urban Research Center

Mailing/Physical Address

Jackson State University
101 W. Capitol Street / 5th Floor
Jackson, MS 39201


Phone: 601.979.1386 / 601-979-1400